Longstone Area Sports Association

The inaugural meeting of a new village sports association, that was open to open to all residents of Great Longstone, Little Longstone, Rowland and Hassop, took place in Longstone Village Hall at 7:00pm on Wednesday 17th January 2024.


Around 30 local residents attended a meeting in the Village Hall and were overwhelmingly in support of the creation of a new village sports association, provisionally called "Longstone Area Sports and Recreation Association" or "LASRA".


The aim of the organisation will be to promote sports and other physical and related activities within the community. These will be activities that are primarily based on the GLPC owned recreation ground. 


The new organisation will take over responsibility for the maintenance, management and insurance of the two cricket club buildings in the south-east corner of the recreation ground. 


Lots of people volunteered to help the new organisation and the next big set of task is to prepare an initial plan to cover;

  1. what can be done to start promoting / supporting more activities
  2. taking over the maintenance and management of 2 buildings from the cricket club
  3. thinking about longer term fundraising
  4. formalising an agreement with the Parish Council
  5. reviewing the constitution and considering registering as a charity

The idea is to work towards the organisation's first formal AGM, hopefully to be held in April, to hear about the plans, generate more interest in the association and to formally elect the first committee.