1. Assets Register
Recreation Ground (obtained in 3 lots between 1921 and 1968)
West Green and Allotments (donated by West family in 1998)
Village Greens – consists of 6 small pieces of land on Main Street (Registered Common Land)
Outrake Quarry (allocated to community by Enclosures Act)
Outrake Field (allocated to community by Enclosures Act)
Gilder Quarry (allocated to community by Enclosures Act)
War Memorial (built by public subscription in 1921/22)
Village Cross (15th / 16th century piece and is a listed monument)
The Parish Council is the Custodian Trustee of the Village Hall, holding the property on behalf of the Great Longstone Village Hall Charity.
2. Register of Members interests.
Register of disclosable pecuniary interests - Councillor Barrett
Register of disclosable pecuniary interests - Councillor Briggs
Register of disclosable pecuniary interests - Councillor Cox
Register of disclosable pecuniary interests - Councillor Douglass
Register of disclosable pecuniary interests - Councillor Headington
Register of disclosable pecuniary interests - Councillor Long
Register of disclosable pecuniary interests - Councillor Rigby
This is available from the clerk for viewing. Hardcopies are available from the clerk at 10p for each A4 sheet.
3. Register of Gifts and hospitality.
There is no Register of Gifts and hospitality as no declarations have been made.
4. Internal Audit Reports